Spontaneity. One of the things I love and enjoy! I love going out, trying new things and just living in the moment. Today after school, we decided to walk to my friend, Aliya,'s house. Well the number one reason as to why we decided to do so was because we had no ride haha! And the second reason, was that her house was just about 10 minutes away from Woodrose, so no biggie :). It was so funny because we bumped into a group of our other friends and they too were walking home, except that their walk from WR to the house they were going to was about 40 minutes away! Intense, but I'm happy to report that they survived and they fought through the scorching heat! We had to go back to school at around 3pm because we had to attend the Yfam farewell party (we were half day today btw)! After the farewell party, we decided to drive around the village for fun haha! We dropped one of our friends in her house and after that, we just let the road...... and Aliya take us wherever! We literally drove through Acacia, then all the way to Madrigal, back to Acacia again and finally back to the house cuz we got tired and we had nowhere else to go haha. So yup, that was pretty much my day today and my def of spontaneity :) I swear! I just love going out with my friends, and just you know, doing stuff! Ya there, I enjoy doing random stuff, and hate being at home, bored and not doing much :p.
A Nice Random Sunny Day
walkin' w/ aliya, shaks, kit and cha! bumped into sina feli hehe!
joy ridin'!