Last April 2 was my friend Shaka's surprise despedida! A handful of my friends and I decided to throw her this surprise party because she will be leaving the Philippines for good :( Sadly she got in a college in the US and she told us that if she got in a college in the States then she would go there. We all prayed and hoped that she would fail her tests so that she wouldnt leave, HAHA JUSTTT KIDDING! Well obviously she would get in cuz she's smart but we didnt think that it would be this serious, our plan of going to DLSU was more of a reality you know. But a few weeks back she told us that she might leave for good, and a few days ago she told us that she was leaving for good, so a despedida was one thing we could give her to thank her for being such a genuine friend, and to show her that we will really miss her! So thanks to tito Kamlesh for allowing us to throw the party in the Dialani residence, and for bringing her out of the house and keeping her distracted so that we could set up and make the surprise a success! BUT the surprise ended up being medj fail because she entered the house while we were practicing our performance for her haha! In the end though, everyone had a blast and the party went pretty well! We had our own photobooth courtesy of Cha, her mac, a white blanket, and props hahahahaha, we also had a lot of good food, great music, and a really emotional ppt presentation and letter reading for Rashiks! It was a great way to say goodbye and to just make the most out of the moments we have left with this Indian girl. WE WILL MISS YA SHAKS! LOVE YA :*
Shakira's Despedida!