Summer Blues :(

Oh my goodness! That feeling when you know that summer's coming to an end soon, well for me at least because my classes start on May 27 already, seems pretty far pa but it is soon! I don't know, I guess the reason why I feel this way is because I've felt like I haven't done much of what I originally planned for this summer. Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed my summer so far, I did a lot of really fun stuff, it's just that I wished I would've made the most of my time instead of sleeping till 3 in the afternoon, and spending hours and hours online. So I guess it's time for change haha! Okay, so I promise to- wake up earlier (well at least before 12), limit myself from ze computer, gym! (harhar), and to not waste the last few weeks of summer! :)  

*all from tumblr*

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