Here are a couple of ordinary, boring photos that I took turned into works of art ;) ! hahaha kidding! well not really works of art but more like works resulting from boredom; and I actually enjoyed making them! Just wanted to try out a couple of apps I downloaded recently and decided to play around with 'em! I used reflection, instatext and instasize. Basically, "reflection" makes your photos double, while instatext enables you to add words on your photos with a selection of fonts, and instasize makes your photos fit in the instagram window without the need for you to crop your photos. They're all pretty good apps so I suggest you download 'em, and let your creative juices flowww! :p #BATCH13AHAY
*Posted below are the original and edited versions of each photo!:)
When Boredom Strikes! : Photo Edits
The famous Manila Bay sunset!..... why have one sunset when you can have two?!:)
This was the moon at around 4 pm? Took a picture of it cuz I thought it was pretty cool but then I guess no one's "moon pictures" ever turn out exactly how they'd planned it would haha! (btw, the lines you see in the photo are the electric post lines lol.) , the edited one has one of my fave quotes!!<3
EK'S "The Wheel of Fate"!:)
Hmmmmm Mango Sago from Hong Kong Chef!!
The skull accent on one of Mel Araneta's watches! BTW there are more available and new designs! If you wanna know more about these watches, I wrote about them somewhere down there! Just look for the post entitled "One of a kind watches by Mel Araneta" :P