As some of you might know, I love to readddd! Reading is just so addicting, like no kidding! Once you start reading, most especially if its a good book, you can't seem to put it down, you just wanna keep reading and know what happens next. I'm pretty sure that there's what we call a "book hangover" , basically a book hangover, according to tumblr, is "the inability to start a new book because you're still living in the last book's world". The last time I felt this was after I read The Hunger Games trilogy, I was so hung up on it because it was such a great trilogy! and also because the ending was kinda ehhh, I expected more, but still <3! Anyway, so today I purchased this book because it's summer which means that I get to read freely without worrying about schoolwork or books required by the school like Inferno, El Fili and MSFM; soooooo glad I'm done with those! So I chose "The Time Keeper" because it seemed interesting and I've already read a couple of Albom's other works like "The Five People You Meet in Heaven", which was where I got the name of one of my dogs, Marguerite, and "Have a Little Faith". I don't really remember if I read "Tuesdays with Morrie", like I honestly don't know, so I guess I haven't read it yet haha. Okay, I won't make this post any longer now, Imma start reading, and I probably won't blog about how it was anymore cuz that would mean that I'd have to spoil it hehe!, I'm pretty sure that this would be a good read since it was mentioned naman in the top fiction list in Natio! :p
New Read: the time keeper by Mitch Albom